The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) has developed national standards for physical training that help us understand better what being Fit means.
This refers to the amount of force that certain muscles can produce by a single contraction. In simple words, how much weight can you lift?
To develop Muscular Strength we need to use relatively heavyweight, and fewer repetitions. Weight training could be the easiest form to improve this health component.
Endurance refers to the ability of a muscle, or muscle group, to sustain repeated contractions for an extended period, against resistance. Like a marathon runner for example.
Isometric exercises that require you to hold your posture for some time can also help you improve muscular endurance; such as planks, and yoga postures.
Push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and crunches, are also excellent forms to improve muscular endurance.
Weight Management ~ Body Sculpting ~ Mindfulness Practice
By Ruth Henao. Certified Fitness Coach
These components are referred to as secondary components of fitness. Mostly because they are usually performed by elite athletes as part of their conditioning program.
But, if you perform any type of sport consider yourself an athlete, and you should include these in your training.
The ability to move quickly from one point to another in a straight line.
The ability of the body to change direction quickly.
The ability to maintain an upright posture while standing still or moving.
Integration with hand and/or foot movements with the input of the senses.
Reaction Time
Amount of time it takes to get you moving.
The ability to do strength work at an explosive pace.
Functional Training exercises can be used to develop these components. Disciplines like Yoga and Chi-Gong can also help you improve components, like balance and coordination.
Whatever our individual and personal goals are, whether we are athletes or not, the following physical components affect our quality of life and health and is essential that we incorporate them into our fitness program.
There are five primary components that we all need to work on, as they are considered essential in improving physical health:
This refers to the relative percentage of Body Fat in your body compared to Lean Body Mass (muscle, bone, water, etc).
It's also called Endurance Training or Cardio.
This type of training improves the ability of the lungs and circulatory system (heart and blood vessels) to supply oxygen efficiently to organs, muscles, and all the cells in our body.
Stretching and working on flexibility gives the ability to joints, tendons, and muscles to move through their natural range of motion.
It is especially important if we want to prevent injuries while performing sports and during movements in our daily life.
Health Related Components
Skill Related Components