Weight Management  ~  Body Sculpting ~  Mindfulness Practice

    By Ruth Henao. Certified Fitness Coach                                                                                                            

Modified Position


Sit and Reach Test


  • Warm up your body.
  • Stretch hamstrings and sit with knees straight.
  • With tape, mark a horizontal straight line two feet long on the floor as the baseline.
  • Position yardstick between subject's legs at 15" (38 cm) on the frontline. 
  • Hand positions with fingertips together.
  • Knees are held straight.
  • Don’t use fast or jerky movements.
  • Exhale while you reach and hold the stretch for 3 seconds.
  • Score the best of the 3 trials.

 Standards based on guidelines published by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM):


The step-up test measure and monitor the health and strength of the cardiovascular system. The test measures the ability of a person to recover after strenuous exercise; the faster the heart rate returns to its rest, the better physical condition the person is.

The YMCA step test is considered suitable for low-risk, apparently healthy, non-athletic individuals between the ages of 20 and 59.​​ 

Advantages: The test requires minimal equipment and can be self-administered.
The step is the same size for all people (men and women) and may give an advantage to taller people as it will take less energy to step up onto the step.


Regular Position



90 = Excellent


60= Above average

50= Average

30= Below average

10= Poor

Source; YMCA Fitness Testing and Assessment manual.

V- Sit- and- Reach Test 

The purpose of these tests is to determine the fitness status a person has in comparison to the national average. These measurements are compared to the reference data of the same age and sex group.

The YMCA tests are widely applicable to multiple ages, ethnicities, and genders. These tools, due to their simplicity, can be used by anyone; fitness trainers and fitness enthusiasts that wish to have a base to set their own goals. 

 Keep in mind that a unified indicator of one's true fitness status can only be approximated. It cannot be determined precisely.

 Check your progress every 6 or 12 weeks. 


Check with your medical doctor before performing these tests.


This test measures upper body strength and muscular endurance.


 Position hands wider than shoulder-width. Shoulders must be aligned with the wrist.

Men: Perform regular push up.
Women: perform a modified push-up with knees on the floor.

Inhale while you lower your body till your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Do not let your belly touch the floor.

 Exhale while you push- up the body to the starting position. Repeat as many times as you can in one minute.

Note: You can rest only in the “up” position if necessary.

If you are a male that cannot perform the regular push-up position, start with the modified push-up until your upper body gets conditioned enough to perform this test. 

​​​​​The Push-up exercise can improve your muscular endurance and strengthen muscles and bones. This exercise is not only great as a muscle builder, but it also raises your metabolism while doing a great job defining abs, triceps, shoulders, and torso.

​​​​​The abdominal muscles work in conjunction with the back muscles when bending, straightening, or lifting. 

Loose or weak abdominal muscles can cause lower back pain by encouraging a forward-leaning posture. 

Conditioning of the core muscles correct posture and pelvic alignment.​​ Core-strength exercises strengthen your abdominal muscles, back muscles, and the muscles around the pelvis.  ​​

​​​​Being able to move the joints through their full range of motion is a component of physical health.

Healthy hip flexors and hamstrings are key for the prevention of hip, knees, and lower back issues.​



Abdominal & Upper Body Strength Tests

Men seating on floor stretching his harmstring


Curl Up Test Results



This test measures the strength and endurance of the abdominals and hip-flexor muscles.

The curl-up test is preferred over the full sit-up test because it is a much safer and more reliable indicator of abdominal strength. Most people can perform this test unless they suffer from low back conditions.

To perform as many sit-ups as possible within 60 seconds.

Note: Individuals with lower back pain concerns and cervical neck issues should check with their physician before attempting this test. 


  •  Lying on the back with knees flexed and feet 12 inches from the buttocks (feet cannot be held or rest against an object).
  • Arms extended and rested on the thighs.
  • Inhale before your Curl up, exhale when you raise the head and shoulders to reach the top of the knees. Then back down again in the inhale. Repeat. 

Note: Perform one or two trial repetitions before the test. You can rest between reps if unable to sit-up continuously.


​​The sit and reach test measures hip, lower back, and hamstring flexibility.

​The test is performed while sitting on the floor with shoes removed, and feet placed against the sit and reach box (if available) or a Yardstick with feet placed behind the front line marked by tape. The person to be tested reaches forward with both hands as far as possible.


Sit & Reach Flexibility Box, or measurement tape and masking tape.

Trainer testing client's hip and hamstring flexibility