LEVEL 1 One knee on the floor


Weight Management  ~  Body Sculpting ~  Mindfulness Practice

    By Ruth Henao. Certified Fitness Coach                                                                                                            

​This exercise is regarded as a safe exercise during recovery from a back injury.

Helps to improve stability and balance.
Relieves low back pain.
Promote proper posture.

​Initial Position:

Kneel on a mat with knees hip-width apart.
Hands firmly on the floor in a straight line on top of your shoulders, forming a square with your body.

Final Position:

Extend one arm straight in front of you (thumb pointing up) while extending the opposite leg behind you, forming a straight line.
Hold for one second or so, then return to the initial position.


Level 1: Knee on the floor.
Level 2: Engage abdominal muscles by adding elbow-to-knee touch.
Level 3: Forms a plank.


Keep your toes pointing out.
Engage your abdomen, gluteus, and hamstrings.


Inhale while extending your arm out.
Exhale when contracting the abdomen and attempting to touch the knee with your elbow.

Repetitions: 8-12 on each side.

LEVEL 3 Forms a plank. 

LEVEL 2 Elbow reaches to touch the opposite side knee.

Muscle Group: Lower back, gluteus, hamstrings and back.