Weight Management  ~  Body Sculpting ~  Mindfulness Practice

    By Ruth Henao. Certified Fitness Coach                                                                                                            

Recommended Protein Proportions by weight and activity level; Grams per day.

Sedentary Individuals: 40-50% of your total daily calories should be carbohydrates.
Exercises Regularly: 60% of your total daily calories should be carbohydrates.
Athletes or persons involved in heavy training: 70% of your total daily calories should be carbohydrates (3.5-4.5 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight)​​.

Recommended Dietary Allowance for Carbohydrates by Activity level 

The following table gives you recommendations of how much percentage of Macronutrients; protein, fat, and carbohydrates you need daily according to your age.

Below you can find the recommended proportions according to your activity level. 


Recommended percentage of Carbohydrates by activity level
Recommended Dietary Allowance for fat. Daily grams.
Recommended Carbohydrates proportions by goal and activity level and population
Recommended Dietary Allowance of macronutients, Protein, fat, carbohydrates.

Recommended CARBOHYDRATE Proportions by Goal & Population

Recommended PROTEIN Proportions by Weight and Activity Level

Sedentary Individuals:

Average sedentary man: 56 grams per day. 
Average sedentary woman; 46 grams per day.

0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight (0.8g per Kilogram of body weight).

Recreationally Active:

0.45-0.68 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Competitive Athlete:

0.54-0.82 grams of protein per pound of body weight

Teenage Athlete: 0.82- 0.91 grams of protein per pound of body weight

Body Builder:

0.64-0.91 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Recommended Macronutrient Proportions by Age Chart. Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat.

Recommended Dietary Allowance for Fat