Weight Management ~ Body Sculpting ~ Mindfulness Practice
By Ruth Henao. Certified Fitness Coach
Imperfect as we might think we look, the first thing to do is make peace with our body. This great "machine" comes in different sizes and shapes, so comparing it to someone else's is a strategy that eventually will get us discouraged. Don't allow the media to convince you of their "ideal body type." So instead of comparing and criticizing your body, give it some attention and nourishment.
In The Biology of Believe, Dr. Bruce Lipton, cell biologist, reminds us how the environment and our own beliefs can dominate our genes. A reflective examination of the effects of our thoughts on our biology; " when we have a thought, it also creates an electromagnetic and neuroendocrine signal that causes our organs and muscles to react, brain chemicals to respond, and our glands to secrete hormones like cortisol. So our thoughts cause our bodies to change"...
No matter the age, size, and shape of our body, we can always create a more athletic version of ourselves - if that's what we want. The body always responds to the environment, physically and mentally. Nourish it with the right kind of food, perform the right kind of exercises, and feed your mind with the right kind of thoughts, and the body will change
Be aware when criticism towards your body arises in your thoughts. Transform those destructive thoughts into thoughts of respect and appreciation toward your body. The practice of this simple mental exercise can help us overcome any Body Image Disorder we might encounter sometime in our life. Love yourself and heal, at different levels. No, it is not black magic! It is science!
"Where the mind goes, chi goes," says the Tao. That mental energy (attention) needs to be directed instead towards the development of muscle strength, muscle tone, agility, flexibility, balance, coordination, etc. All these components are part of what a "Perfect Body" is.
If you are ready to take control of your body weight - and maintain this control for as long as possible - study the pages below carefully. Make sure you read, and re-read, if necessary until you understand what Metabolism and Macronutrients are as all the information in this program is related to those pages.
~ Nikola Tesla ~